Sunday, December 27, 2009

Avatar: Movie of the Year

Watched it yesterday.

One of the most secretive movie of 2009, knocked out the other movies flat.  Nothing this original ever happened since the Quest For Camelot.  The plot was not only exciting but also had a hidden meaning.  The story was kind of something like Lord of The Rings--having to do with the destruction of the world.  If you see the Na'vi (The blue people) as the American Indians and the humans as the...the...humans, you have yourself a case of: White men and their thirst for riches would do anything to get rich even if it means killing off a race of people...e.g. Cortez and the Aztecs.

'Somehow' the hero of this movie just had to have a twin that so 'conveniently' died so the hero had to replace his brother due to the almost identical DNA.  Reminds me of Eagle Eye.

But one word for Avatar: Wow.
Another word for Avatar: Breathtaking.

Rumors of this movie came out around the beginning of this year.  The title was known ever since January, the trailer came out only months from the release, but nothing much was known about what the movie was about.  Now I understand--it was a movie worth the secrecy.

When I watched it, I got a stomachache--the type of stomachache you get when you play too much COD4.  Avatar was that real.  You felt like you were on Pandora.

The animation beat Transformers FLAT...let me rephrase that: Transformer's animation did not come close to the realism in Avatar.  Most of the movie was animated but you would only notice it if you know that none of those plants and animals exist.        

Before Avatar, I would say the best movie of this year was Up.  Now Up is number two.

Avatar is a must watch. 

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A Say for Today

If right-handers use their left brain, doesn't it mean that left-handers are always in the right mind??