Saturday, September 11, 2010

Blog Gap

There's gonna be a great big gap in this blog...

Not because nothing is happening, but because I just don't feel like blogging anymore...

It's my life and I think spreading through the word of mouth is much wanna know how my day has been?? Ask me =)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

You know what?

It's been two whole days since I last came online -___-

Can I sue Digi for not saying that 'with Digi broadband, I will disconnect only when I want it to'?

It's a lie, I tell you, a LIE!!!!

Well, Digi has been kinda good, but at random times it gives way.

Should I put two whole days of a blogpost here???
I rather hands might just fall off =P

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Taking Comfort?

"I'm movin' on..." -Rascal Flatts

Rascal Flatts seem to find their way on my blog very often, but this song means so much more to me now.  I'm in a state where I'm feeling rather angry.  Angry at some people in authority that just REFUSE to change.  This group of people are leaders of the status quo.  I mean, what makes you guys think that what worked twenty years ago works now? You guys should be caring more at building the people than for the building.

After five years, I've only been getting more and more disappointed.  I'm most disappointed at the fact that they have become to comfortable.  Just like Sardis.

Brief history on Sardis:

Sardis was a city in the Roman empire that was completely impenetrable.  It was walled on three sides and had a mountain behind it.  Because of its 'impenetrability', the people or Sardis became proud.  They took comfort in their defense and were invaded twice...the same way.

I feel that we are too comfortable--we lack prosecution--we lack fire.  We are content in living in this 'safe' environment we have created for ourselves.  

They say that we have to try to change to status quo, but I have tried...and the more I try, the more I feel like I'm flogging a dead horse.  

I think/hope I only need a break.  I won't know whether this will be only a break or a permanent change.  I hope things can change so I won't have to change...

The problem with college is that sometimes it opens your eyes to the things you were once blind to--it opened my eyes to the world and opened my eyes to the imperfectness in our world, and I hate it =(

I hate that we are so comfortable...

A Say for Today

If right-handers use their left brain, doesn't it mean that left-handers are always in the right mind??