Wednesday, March 31, 2010


What the monkey!!!!!!!!!!!

Has fourteen weeks fly by so fast?? Has it been three months since college began?

What do you know...the best month wasn't as exciting as I thought it would.  And if the best month wasn't as exciting, what would that make the rest of the year.  I feel like my life is on fast forward =/

I've gained so much yet lost a lot.  My college life has been up to date, but my other life has been dried.

I told myself that I would balance my life, but college is taking priorities...sigh.
I'm sorry if you feel I've neglected you.  And I will make it up to all of you, I will not leave any of you dissatisfied.  

I also noticed that I've neglected my blog abit...well it's cos I dunno what to write anymore, and since there's no pressure to update, I shall update only when I feel like it...

Wow...I've side-tracked a bit...ok...finals...FINALS!!!

It's starts next week!!! Oh my...I feel! You know stirred so much that I can't be stirred anymore? Okay that was just a random thing.

It's already the end of the semester and I'm only now starting to make friends =/
But I still have awesome people I can call friends...

Yesterday, I had a presentation and tomorrow I have a presentation...sigh
I love talking, but not in front of people...much anyways...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Earth Hour

Well when everyone was so good and saving the Earth from ourselves, I was busy supporting the event...well my house's lights were off.  My family supported Earth Hour by checking out if anyone else was supporting Earth Hour =P

No, seriously, we drove all the way to Cheras and back.  XD

Well at least my home lights were off =D

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Not by Me

A song that I spontaneously thought out...don't know why I just came up with it out of the blue...

I have the verse's tune in my head but I need to think of the appropriate lyrics...
So I guess I shall reveal the chorus first.
I hope to share the tune so maybe I'll post it up on Youtube or something.

Not By Me

Not by my strength,
Not but my power,
Not by my own understanding,
Not by my will,
Not by my might,
but by Yours.

I'll post a 'post' when I post it up on youtube...
(What word can I use beside post?)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

First Semester

When you hear someone tell you that the semester is fourteen weeks long, you think: 'that's 98 days' then you get carried away with your life.  Then someone tells you mid-terms is up.  Now you think: 'seven weeks already?', but you still get carried away with your life. Now I'm gonna hear someone tell me that finals is here, and I'm probably gonna think: 'MONKEY!'

Has it already been thirteen weeks of college? Has time really passed by that fast?

Now to re-cap my first semester before it ends.

I'm glad that I have still kept my responsibilities to IM:pact though I have been pretty absent...sorry guys girls lol.

College was not as hard as I expected.  Maybe that's because I expected it to be too hard...

Calculus is interesting...really interesting.  I'm starting to like the classes.

My lecturers are awesome!! I'm glad I have them.

My course is tough but still fun.

College is fun...

Public transport is a nuisance, but TnG is cool to use.

I've made awesome friends!

Joined a band: 'No Credits'. No idea why it's named that...

Found good places to eat.

Learnt to save money...when you are given sixty a week and one-third goes to transport...

Waking up early has never been this habitual...well I do normall wake up early but not this early.

Ping Pong is best played with friends...I have improved tremendously in the DSA.

My demand for a driving license has never been this high.

Overall it has been a semester of 'news'. I know the learning process will never stop, and I don't want it to anyways.

The day you stop learning is the day not worth living...


Friday, March 19, 2010


I am really disappointed with myself.  I don't even know what I was doing! Why did I help you to get myself into trouble? Why did I have to ruin the good impression I have made? I don't know what I'm guilty about.  Is it because I was caught? I hope not.  I want to feel guilty because I know it was wrong.  Why did I do something so stupid!!! Why did I let myself become so impulsive!! I like to call myself a thinker, but this event has shown that I don't do that...I'm an animal who acts on instincts! Why?!!

Now I have to repair that stone at a time! First I got to the people I got into trouble and the person who's the most disappointed.  I really hope things can go back to normal.  But I'm sure that's kind off impossible...there'll always be the thought of the time when I made a mistake--when I fell.  It takes years to build a good reputation and only a second to destroy I have to build it again.  I hope I can build it as good as possible, but looking at things...I'll have to take what I'm given....I want to shut the world out...and just reflect upon this mistake.  I want to forget it but learn from it! Why?!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Open bottle

I just noticed it's gonna be a week since  last wrote anything here...that's strange.
Don't know why I'm starting to neglect my responsibilities.
Who knows how to draw graphs?? I mean really hard in calculus graphs.  -_-" I know I hate them, but you know I am curious on graph-sketching I really am.  It's just too hard... I have outstanding work now and I'm tired of doing it. Just looking at the paper makes me feel sick.

I think I need a break.  a break from the world. A break between me and myself where I can think about what I've done, but where would I ever find the time to do this?

I don't want anymore lies! I don't want anymore trouble.  I want a carefree life where I can be who I am and not be judged. I want to throw away each and every mask I wear! And not live a lie.  

Why don't we talk anymore? Are you trying to forget me? Were you just putting up with me--ignoring me--all this time, but once I'm out of your life, you throw me away? You are a close friend to me and I don't have many of those.   Why is it when I get closer I loose you?

This is just one open bottle.  This is just some of my frustrations. I'm angry at the world for bring the world, but I'm also angry at myself for letting it be like this.

None of this will make sense to one person.  A few will only understand a point, but others will understand the other points. This is all that I have kept inside.  All my random frustrations that are eating me up. Sure there are thousands more but there are some that can never be discussed here.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Just Another Birthday

Today I turned I can't sing the 'You are sixteen going on seventeen...' song anymore...sigh, I like that song. did I spend my 'supposed to be' special day? In lectures and work, but I had fun meeting new people.  But somehow it felt empty...I had the most wishes that I ever had in my life, but it didn't feel authentic =(
I'm not saying that I'm not appreciative but I feel that when you wish someone on Facebook, it's not didn't cost you a thing.  Unless of course when you wish a few.  But....


It made up for the lectures and the work =)  

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Big 'Whoopsie'

I was so thirsty when I came back from cutting my hair...yes, I 'ber-cutted' my hair...that I went to the fridge to grab what I thought was apple enzyme.

What's apple enzyme? It's something like apple cider...but nicer =P
My family actually finished it without telling me.  Here's the awesome thing: Our apple enzyme is kept in a wine bottle, so when I went to get the drink...I accidentally took wine instead =) =D

I actually took to huge gulps before I thought: "Hmmmm...this doesn't taste like the apple drink...whoopsie."
I'm suprised that I didn't go 'drunken monkey' during karate class, but now thinking about tpying is not vrey good.  Jsut kdidnig. x)

raelly I am fnie.

Okay now that play time is over...truthfully speaking...I'm pressing backspace more often than normal.

If anyone even reads my blog.

Monday, March 8, 2010

10 GB Fly Away

 It's only March 9th and I've already used up my internet's downloading quota.

I didn't know I could download 10 GB in just eight days.  I guess it's because I'm using Digi Broadband now and the speed is much better that I didn't even feel the Gigs fly away.

Now I have to stop downloading if I want to use the net...or only download in college which is what I'm doing now xP
Aiyo...I dowan Saturday to come....I dowan to go college on this special day...I dowan to work on this day either...but I must....I will...then go Im:pact...if there's time...I dowan to grow old...anyone know the way to Neverland??  The second star to the right...right??

Friday, March 5, 2010

Lion Dance

Just nao I just saw my first lion dance of the year!

Nope no photo though...I was eating dinner at Forum19 when they came in.  There was four main lions, the monk dude, and a few little lions...who were adorable.

Well only after Chinese New Year do I see my first lion dance...something is wrong with that picture.

Things are things
And events are events
There are tons of things to do
So much time to be spent.

I wish that there are more hours
That can be added to a day,
So there can be time for seriousness,
And also a time for play.

Yes...I'm tired...I'm weary, but I will prevail...I must be strong.
Just stay on for a few more weeks...

Monday, March 1, 2010


It's March already...this year is going by too fast.

Well at least it's March and not April...I want March to last a 'wee' bit longer than any other month...why?


It's an awesome month's March.  It's the end of the first school terms--wait that doesn't apply anymore =/--, it's the third month of the year, and, most of all, it's the beginning of my life.

I know many people will agree with me that March is an awesome year...because there are tons of us who are born in this month.

Though I don't think it will make any difference in College...

Oh's still an awesome month..

Random phrase:
"It's better to live out with God than to live without God."
Have an awesome March!


A Say for Today

If right-handers use their left brain, doesn't it mean that left-handers are always in the right mind??