Friday, November 6, 2009

Possibilities: Earth Shock

Possibilities is going to be a series I'm going to pluck out off my mind having to do with...well... possibilities. Alternate futures, apocalyptic theories, and ‘what ifs?’ to be exact. Please bear in mind that these are just theories. I can't guarantee that everything I write/type here will not happen. I take some facts, or theories, and 'toy' around with it. 

p.s. Weijun started this conversation in school about how long do you think the Earth has left. I said a few hundred more. I supported my answer with the facts below.

This first post is entitled Earth Shock and has to do with the Apocalypse. 

Fact 1: The San Andreas Fault will split. It will be one of the biggest quakes in the history of the Earth. 

Fact 2: When Jesus Christ returns, the whole world will see it and it will be in the same place where he ascended (The Mount of Olives. Once known as Armageddon).

Fact 3: Global warming might flood most of the known world, but not the whole world.

Fact 4: The gap between South America and Africa is widening. 


If the San Andreas Fault cracks creating a large magnitude earthquake strong enough to ripple the Californian coastline, California might break away from the mainland. Aftershocks might cause California to crash into Japan and the mainland to split (somewhere at the Panama Canal perhaps) in half. This quake might reverse the process of the fourth fact (Above) and South America might return to Africa. North America might do the same. If this happens it will create a Pangaea and it will make Israel the center of the world. 

Due to global warming, the world will be forced to move towards the mainland--closer and closer to the Middle East. The second fact states: When Jesus Christ returns, the whole world will see it and it will be in the same place where he ascended (The Mount of Olives--Once known as Armageddon).

How else can the world see Jesus descend unless all people are circulated near the place where he is to return? The Pangaea created by the global warming and the San Andreas Fault creates a 'unified' Earth. The final battle--Armageddon--will be the end of the Old Earth and the beginning of the New Heaven and Earth.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. I have tons of theories upon theories. This is the most influential to me. Revelations was the first book of the Bible that I paid attention to. I'm interested in End World Theories, but I pray that my God will be a merciful God for the Earth can't take much more. 

More to come: If there was no Hitler will it be for the better? Black Skies. If Earth was a few hundred billion years old. 

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A Say for Today

If right-handers use their left brain, doesn't it mean that left-handers are always in the right mind??