Monday, July 18, 2011


Yes, sometimes I feel left out
Yes, sometimes I don't feel like I belong
Yes, sometimes I wonder why I'm even here
Yes, sometimes I wander because I don't fit in
Yes, sometimes I pretend that others care
Yes, sometimes I tell myself that I belong
Yes, sometimes I smile to hide the dejection
Yes, sometimes I feel the corner is my best friend
Yes, sometimes I act as  if I'm alright
Yes, sometimes I make it look like I have something important to do
But thank you for your little conversation to remind me that I belong
But thank you for taking the effort to reassure me
But thank you for thanking me for the things I've done
But thank you for showing me that you care
But thank you for apologizing for the wrong (even though I can't remember it)
But thank you for telling me that I'm accepted
But thank you for the little thing you did that made a bid difference to me
But thank you for initiative to break my dejection
But thank you for telling me it's alright
But thank you for being a friend.

Sometimes is small conversations of concern that can help you know that you are appreciated
It's the small encouragements that helps to to live through though times.

Thanks for the encouragement and acceptance (you know who you are).

1 comment:

A Say for Today

If right-handers use their left brain, doesn't it mean that left-handers are always in the right mind??