Saturday, December 10, 2011


Tuesday marks the end of my first year in degree.  I'm glad with the people that I've met, the experiences that I went through, and also the past that remained faithful.

It's hard to believe that it's been three semesters already with this bunch of fun people.  I've never really thought that I would make such a big difference in such a big intake.  I thought I'd be the quiet nerd who would sit in front of the class and listen attentively to the lecture.  I never thought that I would make so many friends from all walks of life.  I never thought that I would have the chance to do so many things. I never thought that I would go out so much. I never knew that I would be one of the more recognizable ones in the intake. I never knew that we could grow so close to fast.  I never knew that I would fall on the first day. I never knew that I'd change so much. I never knew that this degree life was going to be such an influence.

To recap the year, I can see that I've changed from being exclusive to being inclusive. I remember in the beginning of the first semester how the foundation gang was so exclusive. But soon we opened up to more people.  it started with those who would sit around us, and soon we kinda expanded.  I remember how I personally met up with everyone of the degree-mates, if you don't remember you can ask me :)

The only sad result of the second semester was the withdrawal of my best mate, and I was forced to do things on my own, but I guessed it was for the good. I needed to stop depending too much on people.  During the second semester I sat with two different groups and was shifting between the two a lot. I guess it's a good thing to widen your field of friends, but the walking was a little too much.

Though the third semester barely changed anything, I can see that the experiences that I have learnt this year has helped me to be better in many ways.  I'm not socially awkward anymore (Well, not too much anymore). I'm definitely more confident around people and my introvertness seems to be balancing with my extroversion now.

Sadly, many will be going overseas, but hopefully we won't be forgotten :)

It's a wonder that the time has passed by so fast.  And I know that the next two years will be marked with just more and more fun as we grow closer :)

Cheers to a better year!

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A Say for Today

If right-handers use their left brain, doesn't it mean that left-handers are always in the right mind??