Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Not enough time?

I realized that when I say "I don't have enough time for anything", what I really mean is "I don't have enough focus"  I've realized that many nights I waste time starring at the blank screen of Facebook, watching useless things on Youtube.  I've been wasting my youth not because I lack time - I lack focus.

It's not that I have nothing to do, I do have tons of things, but I just don't seem to be able to take them seriously enough.  I mean, everything ELSE seems so much better to do.  I need constant reminders to do my work because I easily get distracted (Technically, I'm distracted right now).

I think I need to give this computer a break from me and start really working on what I should have been working on weeks and months ago.

I have two scripts pending and I want to start writing short stuff to film for fun.
I have assignments and presentations to work on. It's not that I'm not working on them, it's just that I seem to be progressing slower then a frozen sloth.  Not good at all.
I have other things to do like my birthday project. I still need to work on the details and such.

SO many things to do, all I need is focus.  It's so easy to simply get distracted by a notification on Facebook or a new Tweet!

Roar, I guess I'm just gonna have to stop the computer for awhile and really focus on what I should be working on and that is the scripts and assignments.  Maybe I'll off the internet? I shall try that and hopefully by tomorrow, I'll have a better idea of a play and maybe even more!


In other news, my blog I used for my design class has now been converted into my creative output blog. Every poem, song, script, chapter that I write will be posted there unless I feel that I want to produce it myself :) Here's the blog: pioneerinspired.blogspot.com

I'm not completely 100% happy with the layout but I'll work on it another time (When I find the focus to).

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A Say for Today

If right-handers use their left brain, doesn't it mean that left-handers are always in the right mind??