Saturday, February 13, 2010

Percy Jackson

I never read the book, but I heard it was a good book.  So when I went to watch it yesterday, I was disappointed.  The beginning was nice when Zeus and Poseidon met, but they could have had more 'OMPH'

The storyline was quite good--at the beginning, but it got predictable later on.  I expected the movie to be about Percy and his friend's search for the lightning thief but in the end, it was their search for--of all things--pearls.

The movie was disappointing, and it was only the CGI that made up for the weak plot.  There were too many holes in the movie...if you watch it, at the end try asking things that could happen and you would find out that a lot of the 'rules' were broken.

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A Say for Today

If right-handers use their left brain, doesn't it mean that left-handers are always in the right mind??