Friday, May 6, 2011

Geek-mode activated: Thor

I haven't done any movie reviews for a while....hmmm...but this movie has inspired me to write!


It's like one of those movies that brings back the past - your childhood (well, my childhood ended two months ago).  Well, to those who really know me, I'm quite a geek, but not just any geek - I'm a comic geek! I'm proud to be one and Thor reminded me of how much I loved being one. Before we move on, I just have one thing to say - DC, Marvel owns you!

You are know about Thor as the Asgardian God of Thunder.  The superhero of Earth! Well I know more! He's the original member of the Avengers! He's the son of Odin! He succeeded Odin as King of Asgard and sacrificed his life and all of Asgard to end Ragnarök - the cycle of rebirth of the Asgardians. I think that's enough stuff to know that I'm a geek lol

Well, to the movie now.  I liked the choice of actors and the play with the original script.  I didn't like the choice to introduce the Warriors Three and Lady Sif WITHOUT INTRODUCING BALDER! I mean, Balder is Thor's best friend! 
And why did they kill Laufey so early? And why does Loki get to kill Laufey? I mean Laufey is meant to live a long time more until peace is disturbed...

Now the best parts of the story! First, the cameo appearance of HAWKEYE! For those who don't know, Agent Barton, the guy that was aiming at Thor when Thor was fighting Shield for Mjionir is Hawkeye.  Another epic part would be the sequel! I mean there's going to be a new destroyer probably a more powerful just occurred to me that the ending part of Thor may not be for Thor II but actually for Avengers! haha...I mean, it was Loki in the first place that accidentally formed the Avengers when he made a threat that Thor could not face alone.  OOOO!!!! Geek mode overdrive! 

It's an epic movie that makes not only comic nuts drool :)

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A Say for Today

If right-handers use their left brain, doesn't it mean that left-handers are always in the right mind??