Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Effort is the greatest gift.

A timely message for this somewhat important occasion. As I turn another decade, I can't help but to feel a little nostalgic. It is almost cliche to say that I've changed alot throughout this decade but that can be said for every other year past and present from now. But what I am sure about is that the way I feel accepted will not changed.

I believe that the greatest gift one can really offer to another person is the gift of effort. Nowadays with the maggi mee generation running mad all over the place, it comes to no surprise that we're lacking a human touch. Many of the people I know are sociable people and they manage to receive the social effort they need to feel belonged, but the difference between them and me is my inability to socialize properly. Many of those who are not so sociable are blessed with at least one sociable friend to keep them going. For me, it's another story. I'm not that guy in which one would randomly call out for a drink, meal, movie, or whatever.  At least I'm not first in the list. I'm more than often that kid they remember after calling the popular ones.

It's how I've felt almost throughout my life. I've always felt like a second-class friend. That guy who people invite just because they are already inviting the group -that "might-as-well" guy.  That's why I'm sometimes overenthusiastic when I'm inviting to things and terribly disappointed when I fail to make it to the invite list.

I guess that's how I developed my love language in the first place. I'm an E for effort guy. I feel in today's society what we are lacking is just that - Effort. We are so caught up with the times that we often do not have the time to put in more effort into things anymore. That's why we have shops dedicated to "birthday gifts" and "birthday cards", it's like a touch&go store. We move at such paces that we often forget to check and think whether the receiver would like your gift. In the end you find yourself at your girlfriend's house with a power ranger action figure because you couldn't find the time to check your gift.

I'm touched when people take the time off their super busy schedule and make the time to have a chit chat.  I yearn for the little one-on-one talks. I yearn to share my soul to people, but sometimes I feel that I'm shut off by the more common topics like "New movies and songs" instead of more important things like "How do you find yourself today?"

I'm reminded of Tuesdays with Morrie - a book by Mitch Albom - in which Morrie, never takes his eyes away from the person in front of him.  He gives his full attention, and that is where I want to be. I want to be that friend who makes you feel so welcomed and secure that we can spend hours on end just talking about the world. I want to be that friend to sweat out effort just to have quality time.

As midnight strikes and I hit a decade older, I just have one thing to say to those who read this blog. Take effort and time away from the busyness of social media and assignments and work and pay attention to those things that really matter, because tomorrow is another unpredictable 24hour-cycle and there are a gazillion things that could jeopardize your happiness.

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A Say for Today

If right-handers use their left brain, doesn't it mean that left-handers are always in the right mind??