Monday, November 12, 2012

Call me traditional...

...but I believe that if I am to have a girlfriend, I should be able to see myself spending my whole life with her. I'm fine with dating, and if I don't scare you off with the subsequent future plans talk, then we might have something going on.

Call me idealistic...
...but I believe that somewhere out there is that one girl intended for me. I may have met her; I may have not.  One thing that's sure is that, when I do realize that she's the one, I will not let her go.  I believe that I'll be able to find that girl that fits into my idea of a wife, and hopefully I fit into her idea of a husband. I believe that I'll be able to find a girl that will be able to see past my mishaps and flaws no matter how bad they are and help me improve.

Call me naive...
...but I like to think that trust and commitment is more important in a relationship than love and passion. Passion is an emotion and goes up and down depending on moods, but commitment, it is a covenant an agreement to cherish. This is why I don't believe in cohabitation (well, besides religious reasons).

Call me whatever you want...
...but a pushover, laid-back, sloth who isn't man enough to fight for someone he loves. Yes, the occasion has yet to come where I would have to take a hit for the sake of someone I love. Yes, I have yet to be tested. But I will fight when needed.

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A Say for Today

If right-handers use their left brain, doesn't it mean that left-handers are always in the right mind??