Thursday, June 7, 2012

I used to think...

That people were interested with my thoughts and what I was thinking. That's one of the reasons why I started blogging in the first place, but look where I am now after 4 years...

I'm still where I was.  This blog has never seen an audience larger than my fingers...

What does this say? No one is interested. My thoughts have never been more than that. My opinions have been never been more than that. So where does this leave my blog? I'm still keeping, but I'm doubting I'm going to update much anymore...

If people bother to know how I am, I would appreciate the simple face-to-face conversation...that is if people bothered la.

I'm giving up on trying.

Sigh, and I thought I was over discovering who I am...

1 comment:

  1. you're wrong. i just came across your blog, and i think you have some pretty intriguing thoughts going on there.


A Say for Today

If right-handers use their left brain, doesn't it mean that left-handers are always in the right mind??