Thursday, October 14, 2010

No One Cared

No one cared

Act 1
They pass me by,
Oblivious to my pain.
They just walk away from me
As if I was insane.

No one cares
Life isn’t fair
I would end my life, if I only dare.

Along the corridor
I hear sounds of joy.
Laughter and teasing
From every girl and boy.

Do they notice me when I sit beside them?
Can they see the pain in my eyes?
Can they hear my pleads for endearment?
Do they even hear my cries?

Act 2
At home is no different
Just a different change of scene
My parents don’t care of what I’ve done
Or the places I have been.

They just spend their time
Fighting with each other.
How I wish I could have
A more caring father and mother.

No one cares
Life isn’t fair
I would end my life, if I only dare.

Act 3
I then decided that life was not worth my time
Not worth a single cent or dime.

I head to my room and planned for my doom.
I thought of many ways to end it all…
About drug overdoses and balcony falls.

The one decision to finish my life
The one decision that can end my strife
With just one move, there’ll be no more pain
Just one action can be my bane.
Into the toilet, in search for a blade,
It was all set, my plans were made.

Because, when I compared to others,
On where my life fared,
I realized only one thing—
No one cared.

No, don't worry this is not my suicide note or anything.  This poem is written to bring awareness to the people that walk among us with pain behind their eyes.  This is dedicated to the hurt, to the angry, and to the crying.  This poem is meant to illustrate only the surface of their suffering.

So whenever you see that kid, that you've never talked to, or that guy that always sits alone, be a friend to them without any.  Even a smile could save a life.  You never know, you could be the hero that saved them from danger. =)

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A Say for Today

If right-handers use their left brain, doesn't it mean that left-handers are always in the right mind??