Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Hood of Niadris

here is my attempt of writting a novel...
entitled: The Hood of Niadris.
it will be (if successful) part of a series of books called: The Legends of Brack

this is the prologue:


In the time of powerful magicians—the time when the Great Magician Himself walked the land—Brack was a peaceful and prosperous land. The Great Magician and the Gardeons, his disciples, taught the inhabitants of Brack the ways of righteousness.

But the Great Magician had to leave Brack and return to Godholm when one of his own Gardeons, Avongel, betrayed him and corrupted the land. The Great Magician left His Gardeons in Brack to keep Avongel from completely distorting the land. They succeeded in pushing Avongel and his grotesque armies of cryans and evoluns south, and managed to trap Avongel there. Avongel took control of this place and it became known as Tophet, the land of smoke.

In case Avongel was to ever break the spell that held him there, Niadris, a magician fawn and disciple of Halbark, one of the Great Magician’s disciples, forged a helmet with the knowledge of ending the reign of Avongel. By forging this powerful instrument, Niadris quickly made enemies, mainly bounty hunters, hoping to gain something back from Avongel by destroying it. Fleeing for his life, Niadris hid the helmet in the Forest of Halbark, his mentor. There in the enchanted forest, the helmet was safe. No sensing Aizon could penetrate the magical thickness of the forest of Halbark.

After a few decades of imprisonment, Avongel found a loophole, through the Menelandine border. He released his Raiders of Night, his messengers of death, to prepare for his return to Brack. The Raiders began a reign of terror. In every village, town, or city visited by these Raiders, only ruins were left behind. Armies of any kind fell to the feet of these Raiders. Nothing stood in their way.

More recently, the Raiders have completely devastated the territory of Meneland and have moved north into Kanine. Their direction of destruction seems to be north and their next possible motion is east till the Avas Sea--in this way, destroying all of Brack from east to west.

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A Say for Today

If right-handers use their left brain, doesn't it mean that left-handers are always in the right mind??