It has been an intriguing month. For those who don't know, I started a new job in a new field. I'm slowly getting the hang of it. I'm slowly getting to understand the people and the culture. It's taking longer than I expected, but I guess it was expected - seeing that this was my first time in 5 years starting on a blank slate. But I'm learning and I think I'm doing alright.
So I won't talk much about work except for the fact that it has taught me that free time is precious. I'm a little more pressured to count the seconds of freedom I have and it turned out to be a good thing. I'm spending more time on things that matter and starting personal projects that mean a lot to me. One in particular is #thepeopleproject2015. I'm catching up with people who matter.
Another thing that took off is my video projects. I'm a little more driven to making content now. And this is evident from my release of Banana below.
Making this video took so much time that I don't have the patience to make a "how-to" or blooper reel. But I'm glad it's up. I'm glad that it has garnered the attention with hundred plus views and counting.
That's about the highlights so far. Two amazing projects. One ongoing and one a stepping stone to other projects.
And that ends the good news.
I was struck by grave news on Wednesday when I found out my former colleague passed away. I guess it hurts a little more not knowing until so late. I guess it hurts a little more because there was no one I could consult when I found out. I guess it hurts a little more because I kinda never got the chance to say goodbye. I knew her health wasn't great, but I brushed it aside. Told myself that there would be another time for goodbyes. I wrote a goodbye note on my last day in HELP and passed the note through a third-party. Til now, I still don't know if she even got the chance to read it. I guess it hurts a little more because you helped me secure an interview by putting in a good word for me. I guess it hurts a little more because I couldn't say a final goodbye. I guess it hurts a little more because it shouldn't have happened.
Goodbye. Somehow I feel guilty. Though I know I shouldn't. Now when I'm alone, I shall contemplate just how insignificant our very existence is. We are but a speck in this speck that we call our whole world.
So what's the point of my projects if they are going to fade away in time? That's a question, I'm going to have to wrestle with.