Thursday, March 18, 2010

Open bottle

I just noticed it's gonna be a week since  last wrote anything here...that's strange.
Don't know why I'm starting to neglect my responsibilities.
Who knows how to draw graphs?? I mean really hard in calculus graphs.  -_-" I know I hate them, but you know I am curious on graph-sketching I really am.  It's just too hard... I have outstanding work now and I'm tired of doing it. Just looking at the paper makes me feel sick.

I think I need a break.  a break from the world. A break between me and myself where I can think about what I've done, but where would I ever find the time to do this?

I don't want anymore lies! I don't want anymore trouble.  I want a carefree life where I can be who I am and not be judged. I want to throw away each and every mask I wear! And not live a lie.  

Why don't we talk anymore? Are you trying to forget me? Were you just putting up with me--ignoring me--all this time, but once I'm out of your life, you throw me away? You are a close friend to me and I don't have many of those.   Why is it when I get closer I loose you?

This is just one open bottle.  This is just some of my frustrations. I'm angry at the world for bring the world, but I'm also angry at myself for letting it be like this.

None of this will make sense to one person.  A few will only understand a point, but others will understand the other points. This is all that I have kept inside.  All my random frustrations that are eating me up. Sure there are thousands more but there are some that can never be discussed here.

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A Say for Today

If right-handers use their left brain, doesn't it mean that left-handers are always in the right mind??