Tuesday, March 23, 2010

First Semester

When you hear someone tell you that the semester is fourteen weeks long, you think: 'that's 98 days' then you get carried away with your life.  Then someone tells you mid-terms is up.  Now you think: 'seven weeks already?', but you still get carried away with your life. Now I'm gonna hear someone tell me that finals is here, and I'm probably gonna think: 'MONKEY!'

Has it already been thirteen weeks of college? Has time really passed by that fast?

Now to re-cap my first semester before it ends.

I'm glad that I have still kept my responsibilities to IM:pact though I have been pretty absent...sorry guys girls lol.

College was not as hard as I expected.  Maybe that's because I expected it to be too hard...

Calculus is interesting...really interesting.  I'm starting to like the classes.

My lecturers are awesome!! I'm glad I have them.

My course is tough but still fun.

College is fun...

Public transport is a nuisance, but TnG is cool to use.

I've made awesome friends!

Joined a band: 'No Credits'. No idea why it's named that...

Found good places to eat.

Learnt to save money...when you are given sixty a week and one-third goes to transport...

Waking up early has never been this habitual...well I do normall wake up early but not this early.

Ping Pong is best played with friends...I have improved tremendously in the DSA.

My demand for a driving license has never been this high.

Overall it has been a semester of 'news'. I know the learning process will never stop, and I don't want it to anyways.

The day you stop learning is the day not worth living...


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A Say for Today

If right-handers use their left brain, doesn't it mean that left-handers are always in the right mind??