Sunday, January 3, 2010


Was at church today and realized that even though IT IS JUST AN EXAM all the people my age were talking about SPM.  So what's the big deal really?  It's ONLY an exam that will DETERMINE YOUR FUTURE COURSE.  When I was fifteen, everyone kept saying: PMR PMR!!!, now it's SPM.  I don't even know what SPM stands for?!  A way to Seriously Panic Malaysians? Haha xD

Anyways, all you people that will take SPM, don't let it rule your year.  Yes, it is an important exam, but still it's not the highlight of the year.

So stop with the STRESS!!! and SPM!!! relax, trust in God, and of cause study and everything will be alright.

School starts tomorrow but SPM starts only near the end of the year...don't waste the year away because you have to study...AND continue to come to IM:Pact!

Weee....IM:Pact is starting on the ninth (Saturday)...all are teenagers are invited xD

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A Say for Today

If right-handers use their left brain, doesn't it mean that left-handers are always in the right mind??