Sunday, June 21, 2009


Why is it that Malaysia isn't so badly affected by H1N1? I got a three theories.

Have you notice that the most affected of the pandemic are 1st-world countries? Well maybe it's because those countries have been 'pampered' until their immune systems could not handle the outbreak.

For all those not in Malaysia, Malaysia has been suffering some sort of hot season. This hot season was such a change to the weather that alot of us got sick or built up stronger immune systems. Hence, now since the outbreak has arrived, it has not been able to spread like wildfire because we have some sort of immunity against it.

Malaysia is not a clean yet not dirty country. It's good that we are clean but being abit dirty is good too. Malaysia is not dirty enough to that the bacteria could spread. But dirty enough that our immune system is just the right thing to stop this virus.

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A Say for Today

If right-handers use their left brain, doesn't it mean that left-handers are always in the right mind??