Thursday, May 28, 2009


being lucky or just plain 'invincible' sometimes has its downturn.

You see, when I went to Redang for a holiday, I went snorkeling. What 'normally' happens when you stay above water under the hot sun? You get sunburned right? But not me. I would have loved to 'show-off' my burn marks and all but...sigh.

Also in Redang I felt myself getting stung by tons of jellyfish, but when I wanted to check my 'battle-scars', I found none...sad right.

Other then those two occasions, bad things could have happened to me, but, no. I never had to go to the hospital besides when I was a baby. I never been sunburned. I never had any major accidents (except for my umbrella experience).

Even at my birth I was blessed. When I was in my mother's womb, I was growing with a fibroid which was stealing all my nutrients. When I was born, the fibroid was gone, and the only thing bad was that I was mangled.

Then there was that time when I stayed in Seremban when I was around 4 to 6. I was swimming in the baby pool when suddenly I was pulled into the water. It was really a freak accident because I was the only one in the pool at that time. I remember seeing the water pass my eyes; feeling something grab my ankle. I was pulled out soon after by a friend of my parents.

I thank God for blessing me all these years. Giving me life and keeping me safe.

But being so lucky has its bragging rights.

I am strong, I am invincible,
I am Reuben! xD

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A Say for Today

If right-handers use their left brain, doesn't it mean that left-handers are always in the right mind??